“I like devastation. I like exhaustion. I really like seeing someone that I know can’t barely get up. The thing about a wrestling practice is, in a good school like Blair, the coach will get every last bit of energy out of you, and then you’re just deflated. And there’s a peacefulness in that moment that I really love—to see someone who’s just used their entire body. For me, it’s all performance; it’s all dance. Particularly wrestling practice—it’s about choreography because there are particular moves. There are many of them, and they put them in certain orders. And they do certain moves with names, and everyone knows those moves. So, instead of a plié, it’s a single leg or something. I love watching them perform these movements and in an extremely graceful way.
On the one hand, it’s extremely macho, extremely masculine, extremely brutal. I’ve seen people really get hurt. And at the same time, it’s about dance, and it’s about fluidity. It’s about grace. And it’s the one place where you see that. People say, “Oh, football is graceful,” but I don’t think football is graceful.” - Collier Schorr